Configuring and Deploying ASP.NET Applications applications can be easily configured by using web.config files. You can store number of things in the configuration file. Let’s see some important stuff that can be stored in this file.

Database Connections

The most important thing to store in the web.config file is the database connection string. The reason of storing connection string in the web.config file makes sense since if later we ever want to change the location of our database we just have to change the connection string in the web.config file and thats it. This will certainly save us a lot of alteration in different files where we used the old connection.

Lets see a small example of the connection string which is stored in the web.config file.


< configuration >

< appSettings >

< add key="ConnectionString " value="server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=;database=DBPerson" / >

< / appSettings >

< / configuration >

As you can see its really simple to store the connection string in the web.config file. The connection string is referenced by a key which in this case is "ConnectionString". The value attribute of the configuration file denotes the information about the database. Here we can see that if has database name, userid and password. You can define more options if you want.

There is a very good website that deals with all sorts of connection strings. Its called , in the website you will find the connection strings of all sorts of databases.

lets see how we access the connection string from our web application.

using System.Configuration;

string connectionString = (string )ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];

As you see its very simple to get the connection String out from the web.config and than use it in your application.

Session States

Session in web application is very important. As we know that HTTP is a stateless protocol and we needs session to keep the state alive. stores the sessions in different ways. By default the session is stored in the process. You can always configure the application so that the session will be stored in one of the following ways.

1) Session State Service

There are two main advantages of using the State Service. First the state service is not running in the same process as the application. So even if the application crashes the sessions will not be destroyed. Any advantage is sharing the state information across a Web garden (Multiple processors for the same computer).

Lets see a small example of the Session State Service.


The attributes are self explanatory but I will go over them.

mode: This can be StateServer or SqlServer. Since we are using StateServer we set the mode to StateServer.

stateConnectionString: connectionString that is used to locate the State Service.

sqlConnectionString: The connection String of the sql server database.

cookieless: Cookieless equal to false means that we will be using cookies to store the session on the client side.


2) SQL Server

The final choice to save the session information is using the Sql Server 2000 database. To use Sql Server for storing session state you need to do the following:

1) Run the InstallSqlState.sql script on the Microsoft SQL Server where you intend to store the session.

You web.config settings will look something like this:


SQL Server lets you share session state among the processors in a Web garden or the servers in a Web farm. Apart from that you also get additional space to store the session. And after that you can take various actions on the session stored.

The downside is SQL Server is slow as compared to storing session in the state in process. And also SQL Server cost too much for a small company.

Deploying Applications

ASP.NET can be used to host multiple Web applications, each identified using a unique URL prefix within a Web site (where a Web site is represented on a Web server as a unique HostName/Port combination). For example, a single Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server with two mapped IP addresses (one aliased to "" and the other to "intranet") and three logical sites (http://intranet,, port 81) could expose the following six ASP.NET applications.

Application URL Description

http://intranet "Root" application on intranet site. "Root" application on site. "Root" application on port 81 site.
http://intranet/training "Training" application on intranet site.
http://intranet/hr "HR" application on intranet site.
http://intranet/hr/compensation/ "Compensation" application on intranet site.

Note: The URL for the compensation application mentioned in the table is rooted within the HR application URL namespace. However, this URL hierarchy notation does not imply that the compensation application is contained or nested within the HR application. Rather, each application maintains an independent set of configuration and class resolution properties; both are logical peer child sites of the intranet site.

Each ASP.NET Framework application exposed within a URL namespace is backed using a file system directory located on either a local or remote file share. Application directories are not required to be centrally located within a contiguous part of the file system; they can be scattered throughout a disk. For example, the ASP.NET applications mentioned previously could be located in the different directories listed in the following table.

Application URL Physical path

http://intranet c:\inetpub\wwwroot c:\inetpub\msnroot d:\msnroot81
http://intranet/training d:\serverapps\trainingapp
http://intranet/hr \\hrweb\sillystuff\reviews
http://intranet/hr/compensation/ c:\inetpub\wwwroot\compensation


Resolving Class References to Assemblies

Assemblies are the unit of class deployment in the common language runtime. Developers writing .NET Framework classes using Visual Studio .NET version 7.0 will produce a new assembly with each Visual Studio project that they compile. Although it is possible to have an assembly span multiple portable executable (PE) files (several module DLLs), Visual Studio .NET will, by default, compile all assembly code into a single DLL (1 Visual Studio .NET project = 1 .NET Framework assembly = 1 physical DLL).

You can use an assembly on a computer by deploying it into an assembly cache. The assembly cache can be either global to a computer or local to a particular application. Only code intended to be shared across multiple applications should be placed in the global system assembly cache. Code specific to a particular application, such as most Web application logic, should be deployed in the application’s local assembly cache. One advantage of deploying an assembly within an application’s local assembly cache is that only code within that application can access it. (This is a nice feature for scenarios involving ISPs.) It also facilitates side-by-side versioning of the same application because classes are private to each application version instance.

An assembly can be deployed into an application’s local assembly cache by simply copying, XCOPYing, or FTPing the appropriate files into a directory that has been marked as an "assembly cache location" for that particular application. No additional registration tool must be run once the appropriate files are copied, and no reboot is necessary. This eliminates some of the difficulties currently associated with deploying COM components within ASP applications (currently, an administrator must log on to the Web server locally and run Regsvr32.exe).

By default, an ASP.NET Framework application is automatically configured to use the \bin subdirectory, located immediately under the application root, as its local assembly cache. The \bin directory is also configured to deny any browser access so that a remote client cannot download and steal the code. The following example shows a possible directory layout for an ASP.NET application, where the \bin directory is immediately under the application root.
C:\inetpub\wwwroot Web.cfg Default.aspx \bin <= Application assembly cache directory MyPages.dll MyBizLogic.dll \order SubmitOrder.aspx OrderFailed.aspx \img HappyFace.gif
ASP.NET Framework application Startup and Class Resolution

ASP.NET Framework applications are lazily constructed the first time a client requests a URL resource from them. Each ASP.NET Framework application is launched within a unique application domain (AppDomain)–a new common language runtime construct that enables process hosts to provide extensive code, security, and configuration isolation at run time.

ASP.NET is responsible for manually creating an application domain when a new application is started. As part of this process, ASP.NET provides configuration settings for the common language runtime to use. These settings include:

* The directory paths that make up the local assembly cache. (Note: It is the .NET Framework application domain isolation architecture that allows each application to maintain its own local assembly cache.)
* The application’s security restrictions (what the application can access on the system).

Because ASP.NET does not have compile-time knowledge of any applications you write on top of it, it cannot use static references to resolve and reference application code. Instead, ASP.NET must use a dynamic class/assembly resolution approach to make the transition from the ASP.NET runtime into application code.

ASP.NET configuration and page activation files will enable you to dynamically reference a target-compiled .NET Framework class by specifying an assembly and class name combination. The string format for this union follows the pattern
classname, assemblyname
. The common language runtime can then use this simple string reference to resolve and load the appropriate class.

Code Replacement

.NET Framework assemblies are typically compiled and deployed into a Windows DLL-based PE format. When the common language runtime’s loader resolves a class implemented within this type of assembly, it calls the Windows LoadLibrary routine on the file (which locks its access on disk), and then maps the appropriate code data into memory for run-time execution. Once loaded, the DLL file will remain locked on disk until the application domain referencing it is either torn down or manually recycled.

Although ASP.NET cannot prevent the common language runtime from locking a loaded assembly DLL on disk, it can support you by ensuring that the physical DLLs in a Web application’s private assembly cache are never actually loaded by the runtime. Instead, shadow copies of the assembly DLLs are made immediately prior to their use. These shadow assemblies–not the original files–are then locked and loaded by the runtime.

Because the original assembly files always remain unlocked, you are free to delete, replace, or rename them without cycling the Web server or having to use a registration utility. FTP and similar methods work just fine. ASP.NET maintains an active list of all assemblies loaded within a particular application’s application domain and uses file-change monitoring code to watch for any updates to the original files.


I hope you enjoyed the tutorial Happy programming !

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